New Family Enterprise USA Pulse Survey Shows Top 3 Tax Policies Family Businesses are Concerned about Going in 2025...

New Family Enterprise USA Pulse Survey Shows Top 3 Tax Policies Family Businesses are Concerned about Going in 2025...
Key Information: On Thursday, December 26, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals restored a nationwide injunction...
By Patricia M. SoldanoPresidentFamily Enterprise USAA Year of Accomplishments Means More Hard Work Ahead in 2025...
A significant portion of the burden of repeal of step-up of basis would fall on workers through reduced labor...
President Biden has proposed the elimination of the “step up in basis,” while keeping the 40% (or higher) estate tax...
There are efforts in DC to make the estate tax (death tax) worse; higher than a 40% tax on your business and all your...
While the devil is in the details, it is possible that if President Biden's elimination of step-up in basis proposal...
On Wednesday, May 12, the House Ways & Means Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee held a hearing titled "Funding...
Earlier today, Congressman Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR),...
Pat Soldano will be apeaking on "Family Business Economic Impact, Family Business Issues and Voter Attitudes". Family...
By Torsten M. Pieper, Franz W. Kellermanns, Joseph H. Astrachan & Nina Anique Hadeler The Importance of Family...
2021 FEUSA Family Business Survey Highlights Estate Tax As The #1 Economic Public Policy Priority Issue For Family...
We hope you will join us for a FEUSA update call on May 6, 2021 at 12pm PT or 3pm ET. Below is the Zoom Webinar agenda...
How each one handled the challenges posed by the pandemic By Patricia N. Soldano & Dawn S. Markowitz Mention the...
Thank you to Brandon Roman and the team at Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP for this report.Next week, President Biden is...
We hope you will join us for a FEUSA update call on May 6, 2021 at 12pm PT or 3pm ET. Hear the following noteworthy...
This year’s survey, conducted between January 6, 2021 and March 31st, 2021 by Family Enterprise USA, delivers many...
You are invited to the next Connected Conversations - Family Businesses Contribution to the U.S. Economy: A Closer...
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2021 Family Business USA (FEUSA) Survey – click the link below to...
Early March or late February, we began to get the postponement and cancellation calls for our upcoming catering events...
We sent out our first memo regarding COVID-19 government recommendations on March 11 to employees. Then there were a...
The unraveling of the economy was not in the plans for Loutech in So Cal. We thought we would be bringing our...
Our 120 year old family business operates a commercial real estate business with a staff of 13 in our offices. Our...
We placed local ads….”support local business”/ thank you ads and inspirational…not only good to community to see, but...
We are reaching out for assistance for the Family Enterprise USA, (FEUSA) Annual Family Business Survey. All survey...
Thank you to Russ Sullivan and the team at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP for this report.The House Ways and...
Thank you to Russ Sullivan and the team at Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP for this report.Over the Weekend...
Pat Soldano welcomed Members to the call, which focused on opportunities and challenges for family businesses as well...
Hear Frank Luntz talk about what the US will look like in the 117th session of Congress. Brandon Roman of Squire...
TAX TIDBIT Advancing the Biden Tax Policy Agenda. With Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock winning both Senate runoff...
On Sunday, December 27, President Trump signed into law a nearly 6,000-page end-of-year legislative package that...
We are pleased to tell you about an upcoming virtual luncheon with a focus on family business at which I am speaking....
Join Family Advisor and Performance Coach Dr. Jeremy Lurey in this intimate conversation with Pat Soldano of Family...
Many members of Congress do not believe that family businesses are sold to pay the estate tax or suffer economically....
Frank Luntz conducted a post election night poll which included the voters attitudes on reducing the estate tax or the...
Attention Family Business Centers and Institutes; PLEASE NOTE SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY! Until 12/31/2020 Family Enterprise...
Here is a recap of the family business responses to the COVID-19 survey that was sent out by FEUSA over the last 6...
Family Business Magazine asked Pat Soldano to speak about tax Legislation Issues that family businesses are facing,...
The Day After the 2020 Elections - Post-Election Analysis and Outlook An election that was thought by many pollsters...
The House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) introduced the...
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If you are not an FEUSA Member, JOIN...
If you are not an FEUSA Member, JOIN...