If you happen to be in the Orange County, CA area and would like to hear my presentation as described below; please let me know, we would love to have you join us.

Open To Supporters Only

The Presentation and Lunch will be on:

  • Tuesday, 4/3/18 at 11:30am to 1:00pm
  • Island Hotel
  • Yorba Room 690
  • Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA

If you wish to attend please advise by 3/23/18, if you have not already done so. A description of the presentation is below;

Last year was a historic year for tax reform with the β€œTax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”. Families and their businesses were helped and hurt at the same time. Over the years, tax law has changed many times due to various factors; wars, economic expansion, recession, revenue surpluses, revenue deficits, and more. But nothing has influenced the change in tax law more than politics, and it will continue to do so especially, in this Congressional election year.

Learn how politics has played a role in the legislative process in the past and will continue to play a role in any tax reform legislation contemplated. Also learn how the public views tax reform, with data developed by Frank Luntz and others.

Hope you can join us.