Plan To Attend September Policy and Taxation Group Dinner & Meeting
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 6:00pm Supporters and Members Dinner Acqua Al 2 212 7th Street SE Washington DC Thursday, September

Estate Tax Update August 2018
Chairman Brady intends to have the House address the 2018 Tax Bill 2.0 when they return from August recess; note

2018 Family Businesses Survey Reveals Commitments, Challenges, & Concerns
New Survey of Family Businesses Reveals Commitments, Challenges, & Concerns Ahead Family business are key drivers of economic development, but

Nunes Introduces Bill to End Capital Gains Taxes on Inflation
Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to eliminate capital gains taxes on inflation.

SAVE THE DATE: Policy and Taxation Group Dinner & Meeting
Policy and Taxation Group Supporters Meeting When Thursday, September 27, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM EDT Where Washington

H.R. 6228 Would Permanently Increase Estate Tax & Gift Tax Exemption
Before leaving for last week’s Fourth of July Recess, Ways and Means Committee Member Rep. Kenny Marchant (R-TX) introduced H.R.

Anthony Timberlands
My personal view, for what is might be worth, is that lowering the corporate tax rate from the current 35%

My Estate Tax Experience
June 13, 2018 My father started an aerospace component manufacturing business March 31, 1961 in Maywood, California. He started it

Why White Castle Supports Repealing the Death Tax
As a family owned business for 97 years now, White Castle has learned a lot about what it takes to

Family Operating 100 Hardware Stores
A family operating 100 hardware stores in the Midwest had to sell the business to a private equity firm in

More Than One Bill in Tax Cut 2.0 Package
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Texas) said that tax-cut legislation he hopes to unveil in August will

Chairman Would Like The House Vote In July 2018
Chairman Kevin Brady has indicated that he would like the House to vote in July, on making all individual tax

State Death Tax Chart Update July 9, 2018
Revised July 9, 2018 PATG State Death Tax Chart – July 9, 2018 This chart is maintained for the Policy

Chairman Brady Hopes to Have New Tax Bill by August to Pass in September or October
Politico: MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Might there be another tax vote in Congress around the time fall rolls in? House Ways

The Politics Of It All. Minneapolis Luncheon and Discussion
TAX POLICY: THE POLITICS OF IT ALL Last year was a historic year for tax reform with the “Tax Cuts

White House Plans to Release Phase 2 Tax Package by Summer’s End
I wanted to share the below that was published by Tax Notes on Friday, May 25th, 2018. The White House

Policy And Taxation Group Visits The Hill May 2018
Photos from a recent visit to The Hill by Policy And Taxation Group to talk about the estate tax and

Jobs and Opportunity: Legislative Options to Address the Jobs Gap
The Honorable Adrian Smith U.S. Congressman, Third District of Nebraska Chairman, House Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee 1102 Longworth

Family Businesses – Jobs, Economic Activity and Charity
Family Businesses in the United States Family Businesses in the US3,001,060 of US JOBS (1) $1.7 Trillion of combined revenue

Estate Tax Repeal And Impact Discussion
Policy & Taxation Group invites you to attend a reception and discussion hosted by Don and Greg Root. Last year

HR 5422 Death Tax Repeal Bill Introduced
As you know, with Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) running for Governor of South Dakota, we need a new champion for

Update and Extend Earlier Estimates of Proposals to Modify The Estate Tax
Update and Extend Earlier Estimates of Proposals to Modify The Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Transfer Taxes In this memorandum

Individual Tax Cut Extension to Get Vote This Year, Ryan Says
By Anna Edgerton; Bloomberg BNA The House will hold a vote this year to make individual tax cuts permanent, according

Get Estate Tax Relief Updates
Since it is possible that additional estate tax “relief” may be possible this year, and unlikely that we’ll see total

Estate Tax Rate Reduction Legislation
Since it is possible that additional estate tax “relief” may be possible this year, and unlikely that we’ll see total

Tax Cuts, Round 2 In 2018
Tax cuts, Round 2: GOP looks to punish Democrats in 2018 POLITICO Magazine By BURGESS EVERETT and RACHAEL BADE –

Chairman Brady Announces Intention To Have Another Tax Bill In 2018
Just in case you missed it; In the House Ways and Means Subcommittee Tax Policy Subcommittee Hearing last week, Chairman

State Death Tax Chart Update March 18, 2018
Revised March 18, 2018 PATG State Death Tax Chart – March 18, 2018 This chart is maintained for the Policy

A Letter for Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee Hearing
Policy and Taxation Group submitted this letter for Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee Hearing held on Wednesday 3/14. The

Update On Activities Of PATG, FEUSA, And More
To prepare for the opportunities in the year ahead, we have already begun engaging with lawmakers and identifying our champions

Senate Democrats Pitch Repeal Of Tax Cuts To Fund Infrastructure (Back)
By Toby Eckert Senate Democrats unveiled on Wednesday a $1 trillion infrastructure plan that would be funded by repealing numerous

Tax Policy; The Politics Of It All
If you happen to be in the Orange County, CA area and would like to hear my presentation as described

Drive to Kill Estate Tax Isn’t Dead, Despite Doubled Exemption
By Allyson Versprille and Jorge Uquillas Estate tax repeal efforts aren’t dead, but tax law changes will make it harder

Wishing You All The Very Happiest Of New Years
Wishing you all the very happiest of New Years, with the hope that the surprises that lie ahead in 2018

Summary of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017
Highlights of recently enacted Tax Reform Bill (HR1 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017”) Individuals Double the estate, GST

Trump Signs Tax Reform Bill Into Law
Earlier today President Trump signed the just-passed tax reform legislation into law. Though there had been discussion that the President

House and Senate Pass HR 1; on to President
The U.S. House again passes sweeping rewrite of the tax code with a vote of 224-201 of voting in favor

Approval of Conference Committee Report
On Friday, December 15, 2017, the Conference Committee for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act released and approved its conference

Estate Tax Is Hurdle For Minority American Business Owners

Conference Committee Meets on Wednesday This Week
Members Contact Info Below This will be a very important week, the Conference Committee meets Wednesday 12/13. I will be

Full List of Conference Committee Members
Both Republicans and Democrats Senate Republicans Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) 202 224 5251; hatch.senate.gov Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) 202 224 2934; cornyn.senate.gov Senator John Thune (R-SD) 202 2242321; thune.senate.gov Senator Rob

Supporters Update on Estate Tax; Time is of the Essence!
Earlier this morning, the Senate voted 51-49 to pass its version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, with Sen.

Tax Reform Qualitative Research Findings
Frank Luntz and Luntz Global Partners November 15, 2017 Priorities are crystallizing. As the first year of President Trump’s administration

Soldano Is The Invisible Leader In Killing Estate Tax
Braving Backlash, Patricia Soldano Of Anaheim Hills Is The Invisible Leader In Killing Estate Tax By DAVID WHITING | dwhiting@scng.com

House Ways and Means Committee Markup of H.R. 1
Fourth and Final Report: House Ways and Means Committee Markup of H.R. 1, Tax Cuts and Jobs Act As we

UPDATE: Senate Markup Bill
House Ways and Means Committee Votes to Phase Out the Death Tax by 2024; Senate Finance Committee Proposes to Double

Revenue Analysis of Options to Reform the Federal Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Transfer Taxes
Quantria Strategies; Final report September 2017 Revenue Analysis of Options to Reform the Federal Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Transfer

House to Release Tax Bill Text
House Said to Release Tax Bill Text Next Week By Laura Davison The House Ways and Means Committee is scheduled

We’re Pleased That The President’s Tax Reform Framework Includes Repeal Of The Death Tax!
Earlier today, the White House, House Ways and Means Committee, and Senate Finance Committee released their highly-anticipated “unified framework” for

Summary of PATG Supporters Meeting
By Brandon Roman of Squire Patton Boggs Law Firm Last week, the Policy and Taxation Group held its annual Supporters

Revenue Analysis Of Options To Reform The Estate Tax
Revenue Analysis Of Options To Reform The Estate Tax, Gift tax And Generation Skipping Transfer Tax Our federal transfer tax

Estate Tax Will Be Impossible To Pay Off Forcing Sale
In 2005, Elizabeth Marshall Maybee inherited a 3000-acre Northern California ranch from her grandmother that had been in the family

Estate Tax Causes In-ability To Contribute Clean Water, Clean Air, And Wildlife Habitat
Tom Crowder’s grandfather had a passion for the outdoors and sustainability. This was reflected in the 6,000 acres of pines,

Death Tax Forced Lay Off Of Seasonal Workers
Seventh-generation cattleman Bob McKnight has faced the death tax on multiple occasions, with effects that have been exacerbated by dramatic

Selling Everything To Pay Estate Tax
The Page Family began farming in the 1880s, when Jeff Page’s great-grandfather purchased 50 acres of land in Napa Valley

Sacrificing Land To Pay The Death Tax
Just outside Nashville, Brandon Whitt operates Batey Farms with his wife, Katherine, and father-in-law, who owns the property. Established in

Investments At Risk If The Tax Exemption Is Reduced
When Tom and Leslyn Jacobs first got married, buying land was simply a dream. Indeed, they were both young foresters

Shutting Down Branches, Laying Off Workers, Or Liquidating Inventory
In 1973, Karen Madonia’s father purchased Illco, a Chicago-based distributor of parts and supplies for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and

Federal Transfer Taxation: A Study In Social Cost
The federal unified transfer tax on estates, gifts, and generation-skipping transfers may appear to be attacks born solely by the

Statement of Terry Neese: Distinguished fellow, National Center Of Policy Analysis Family Policy Center.
Support for the estate tax is based on three major claims. One, inheritance is are a major source of wealth

Policy Analysis: Grave Robbers, The Moral Case Against The Death Tax
The Federal gift and estate tax has come to be known as the death tax. There are several proposals to

Let The Death Tax Rest In Peace
Despite President Obama’s best efforts, the death tax remains a lightning rod in tax policy. Even the New York Times

Family Businesses In The US Economy
Our job today, Define family business, provide the best available statistics on family businesses, judge the quality of each satistics,

Our Story – California Family Farm At High Risk
Our beloved 101 “acre California farm-my small family’s one asset- has been in my family since 1942, when it was

An Analysis Of The Descent Distance Into The Defects Of The Estate Tax On Entrepreneurship
This paper is the second in a series of Tax Foundation studies examining Federal transfer taxation. The first of these

A Declaration Of Independence From Death Taxation: A Bipartisan View
We begin with a simple statement of the facts about death taxation. America has had a death tax of some

Death Tax Chronicle
Tea Party Threatened By Death Tax. Estate Valuation Prove Problematic For Oregon Timberland Owners. The Death Tax Chronicle is brought

Survey Of The Impact Of The Federal Estate Tax on NAWBO Member Businesses
Summarized below are the results of a survey of 272 family owned and operated businesses which are members of the

Spending A Lifetime Building To Pay Estate Tax
Mr. Syman is worth multi-millions – interests include real estate holdings, shopping center/strip mall developments, restaurants, etc. He is 66

United States Thrives Because Of The Entrepreneurial Spirit
Our great United States thrives because of the concept of capitalism and the promotion of an entrepreneurial spirit With those

Death Tax End Needed For Business
The American free market typically rewards success and encourages growth, unless you happen to be a family-business owner. My family

Estate Tax Must Be Repealed
My mother is 86 years old. My father died in ’94. They grew up during the depression. My mother’s father

The Estate Tax Kills Jobs
The Estate Tax kills jobs. It kills the companies that provide jobs. In the process, it kills towns and communities,

The Additional Costs Of Estate Tax
Mr. Goebel, the owner of the bus line and a hockey rink, currently has a “buy/sell” arrangement with his brothers

Had To Sell Business Due To Estate Tax
My father owned a small business which provided health products to his long time customers. Upon his death, we had

Possibility Of Loss From Estate Tax
I am only 36 yr old and have been in the financial planning field for 8yrs. My clients average age

Selling Nearly Half Of The Estate To “Pay For” The Other Half
My Mother in law recently passed away. She lived in Minden, Ne. all her life. She and her late husband

Unfair Tax On The Dead And The Living
I have not had to sell assets yet but as it stands upon the death of my father, because of

Land Owner Impacted In Major Way Upon The Death Of The Patriach
My family has almond land, rice land and cattle land in California. Our forefathers settled on the cattle land in

Congress Should Reduce Or Repeal Death Tax
Dear Ms. Soldano: I want Congress to do something about reducing the death tax if they won’t repeal it. It

Post-Election Survey Results, Groundbreaking Data On The Efforts Of The Death Tax
New Data On The Effects Of The Death Tax Almost twice as many family members sell their business or property

American Voter Attitudes On Estate, Gift, And Generation-Skipping Taxes
Clarity is scarce, and at a premium, in Washington today. Complicated, complex, and contentious issues abound. Healthcare, immigration, foreign relations.

Family Businesses Survey Reveals Strengths, Challenges Ahead
New Survey of Family Businesses Reveals Strengths and Challenges Ahead Family business are key drivers of economic development, but taxes

As Congress debates repeal of the estate tax, why not consider ending the gift tax?
With tax reform now in the spotlight of political debate, repeal of the “estate” or “death tax” has moved to

PROPOSED: Trump’s 2017 Tax Reform
President Trump has proposed a comprehensive tax reform plan that includes a complete repeal of the estate tax. The details

Bipartisan Estate Tax Repeal Bill Introduced
On Tuesday (1/24/17), Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD) and lead co-sponsor Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) introduced legislation (H.R. 631) in the House

Treasury Unlikely to Finalize Sec. 2704 Regs Before Inauguration
On Monday (1/9/17), while speaking to the Heckerling Institute on Estate Planning in Orlando, Florida, Kathy Veihmeyer Hughes of the Treasury Department’s Office

2017 State Death Tax Chart
Revised July 17, 2017 PATG State Death Tax Chart — July 17, 2017 This chart is maintained for the Policy
Sen. Thune announces intention to repeal the estate tax next year
South Dakota Sen. John Thune and other top Republicans recently announced their intentions to launch a new drive to repeal
House leaders urge gov agencies to halt regulations
House Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (CA) along with Republican committee chairmen have sent a letter to all government agencies urging
The ACTEC comments on proposed regulations under Section 2704
The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC) has just released a detailed response on Treasury’s proposed regulations under

Thousands Ask Treasury To Kill Estate Transfer Proposal
Our voices have been heard! See below for an article on the sizable number of businesses and trade groups that

Lawmakers Targeting Spending Bill to Block Estate Tax Rules
BNA Snapshot * Senate opposition letter possible this week * Lawmakers upset administration is using regulatory process for estate tax

Proposed Changes to Section 2704; FOX webinar replay access
Please click the link below to view the replay of FOX’s most recent webinar on the impact of proposed Section

Hillary Clinton Proposes 65% Top Rate for Estate Tax
I would like to bring to your attention an article from the Wall Street Journal discussing Hillary Clinton’s proposals for

Letter to the Treasury; Let Your Voice Be Heard!
We have several updates from Capitol Hill this week, particularly regarding the proposed Treasury regulations. Please click this link for

Trump’s Estate Tax Plan Good for Wealthy, Bad for Charities
BNA Snapshot * Estates over $50 million give most to charity * If tax repealed, wealthy might lose incentive to

A Stealth Death Tax Increase
OPINION REVIEW & OUTLOOK A Stealth Death Tax Increase Treasury again rewrites longstanding interpretations of law Sept. 5, 2016
McGuire Woods LLP Alert
Proposed Section 2704 Regulations Would Impose Major Restrictions on Valuation Discount Planning Long-awaited proposed regulations under Section 2704 of the
Changes in Treasury Regulations, Section 2704 will harm families!
On August 2, 2016, The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued much anticipated proposed regulations that would limit the use of

IRS Expected to Face Pushback Against New Estate Tax Rules
BNA Tax Report The IRS may face an uphill battle as it works to finalize recent proposed regulations meant to

Treasury Releases Long Awaited Regs on Family/LP’s!
Yesterday, the US Treasury Department released long anticipated guidance under IRC Section 2704 designed to close tax preferences on the

Tax Policy: Key Differentiator Between Presidential Candidates
With the Republican Convention coming to a close and the Democrat Convention opening next week, tax policy continues to be

Estate Tax Draft Instructions Cover Basis Reporting, Marriage
The IRS has recently released a draft of instructions for Form 706 concerning estates of decedents who died after Dec.

Trump, Clinton Estate Tax Plans Diverge on Budget Impact
According to a recent study published by the Tax Foundation, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s estate tax proposal would

Millionaires lobby to raise their own taxes
We thought this story about the launch of a potential rival lobbying organization featured in Politico would be of interest to

Impact of 2016 Elections on GRATs and Estate Tax
The results of the 2016 presidential and congressional races could hold significant sway over the future use of grantor-retained annuity

Final Rules on Family Limited Partnership Valuation – Estate Tax
During an address to the American Bar Association Taxation Section over the weekend, Melissa C. Liquerman, Branch Chief within the
The Estate Tax Turns 100
The Estate Tax Turns 100 years old this year! It is time to kill it once and for all! Please help us

Rep. Sander Levin introduces bill to increase the estate tax
Rep. Sander Levin, the top Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee, recently released a new bill that brings

Update on Release of Valuation Discount Regulations
PATG continues to monitor the anticipated year-end release of Treasury regulations under Section 2704 that could place limits on the

$1.15 Trillion Spending Deal Passes with Provisions to Gift Tax
Early this morning, Congressional leaders announced that an agreement had been reached to pass a $1.15 trillion deal on spending and tax

Rep. Kevin Brady named chairman of Ways and Means Committee
Policy and Taxation Group is excited to announce that Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) has just officially been announced as the

Family Enterprise USA 2015 Annual Survey
Family Enterprise USA releases an annual survey in order to gather updated data on the state of family businesses throughout

Each American Dream Hispanic Survey
Each American Dream recently received back the results from our national survey of Hispanic voters and would like to share

Each American Dream Op-Ed featured in The Hill
We would like to share with you Each American Dream’s latest op-ed, authored by our Chairman Pat Soldano and published

Each American Dream Hispanic Research Project
Policy and Taxation Group’s sister organization Each American Dream (EAD) is in the midst of an exciting research project among

British Proposal to Reduce Estate Tax a Reminder of International Competition
Over the weekend, it came to light that the British Conservatives will soon announce plans to reduce the scope of

Sen. Sanders introduces “Responsible Estate Tax Act” to raise the estate tax to 65%
On June 25, U.S. Presidential hopeful Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) presented legislation calling for an across the board hike on

Obama’s Double Death Tax
This was originally posted as an op-ed in Roll Call. By Tyler Deaton For the first time in a decade,

President Proposes Over $400 Billion in New Estate Taxes
This week, President Obama released his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2016, outlining his spending and tax agenda for the

Treasury Response re: Estate Tax
As we previously reported, PATG has been tracking speculation from inside and outside Washington that the IRS may issue proposed

Exciting Changes at Policy and Taxation Group
I wanted to take this opportunity to notify you of some changes at Policy and Taxation Group (PATG), and formally

State of the Union Recap
Last night, the President gave his sixth State of the Union address where he outlined his policy agenda for the
Views: Cut waste, fraud and abuse
Source: The Hill By Jeff Cook-McCormac If there is a lesson to be learned from the 2014 midterm elections, it
News: New York Times – The Midterms Were Not a Republican Revolution
Source: The New York Times By Frank Luntz On election night 1994, as Republicans recaptured the House for the first

Thune Sends Letter to IRS Defending Family Businesses
Over the past several months, PATG has been tracking speculation from inside and outside Washington that the IRS may issue

Editorial: Death tax imposes cost on family business stability
Seattle Times NEWS that the last family farm in Issaquah is being sold for residential development is a reminder of

Frank Luntz Presentation on Women Voters
By Frank Luntz June 18, 2014 To see the full presentation, click here.
News: FOX News reports on EAD Poll
Frank Luntz – an Each American Dream survey found that 78% of Americans now say that working hard and doing

Frank Luntz Presentation on Income Inequality & Taxes
By Frank Luntz January 28, 2014 To see the full presentation, click here.
Views: Sen. Jim DeMint on Income Inequality
Economic inequality has become the left’s great hope for recovering its political integrity after the Obamacare disaster. President Obama, trying
News: New York Times – Colorado Voters Reject $1 Billion Tax Hike
DENVER – They had $10 million in contributions, a barrage of advertising and support from the usually warring factions of
News: Forbes – What is a Wealthy Tax Payer’s Fair Share?
Beginning early in his re-election campaign, President Obama began voicing his belief that our broken tax system and mounting deficit
Views: Arthur Brooks on the Value of ‘Earned Success’
I learned to appreciate the American free enterprise system by quitting a job in Spain. At age 19, I dropped

Election Results Create New Dynamic for Fiscal Cliff Talks
With the November 6 elections in the rear view, thoughts turn to the lame duck session and the coming 113th

Tax Talk Heats Up in Election
With just a little more than 2 weeks left until election day, the candidates are angling on tax policy and

House Prepares for Action Affecting Estate Taxes
On August 1, it was another busy day in Washington as Congress aimed to finish business (for now) on key

House Passes Tax Extension Package
August 1 was a significant day in the ongoing congressional battle over tax policy. Levin Amendment – During consideration of

Estate Tax Action on the Senate Floor
On July 25, intense activity in tax policy debate returned, and estate tax relief is back in the center of

Senate Completes Tax Votes for Now
The Senate Republican proposal, which would have extended current rates for all taxpayers and preserved the 35/5 estate tax parameters,

Congress Seeks Offset for Payroll Tax Relief
Leaders of both parties are preparing outlines of legislation to extend or provide additional payroll tax relief, neither of which

Parties Exchange Rhetoric on Joint Committee and Congressman Introduces Harmful Estate Tax Bill

Growth Consequences of Estate Tax Reform: Impacts on Family and Small Businesses
By Douglas Holtz-Eakin and Cameron T. Smith September 2010 A Study by the American Family Business Foundation Executive Summary The

Afro American Newspapers: Families need a permanent, certain fix of Estate Tax
By Harry Alford April 26, 2006 Why does the National Black Chamber of Commerce support the permanent elimination or the

Death Tax Squeezes Smaller Companies
By the Seattle Times Company Editorial Board May 17, 2005 THE supporters of the death tax portray it as an

PATG 100+ Executive Interviews of Hispanic Family-Owned Businesses
By Impacto Group June 1, 2004 Prepared for Patricia Soldano Overview “It [death tax] affects everybody. If I shut down

The Effects on Government Revenues from Repealing the Federal Estate Tax and Limiting the Step-Up in Basis for Taxing Capital Gains
By CONSAD Research Corporation June 30, 2003 Approach CONSAD Research Corporation has developed a computer model for estimating the changes

Women & The Death Tax
By Nancy M. Pfotenhauer April 2002 Women have a special interest in how the death tax affects their families. In

The Death Tax & Gay and Lesbian Americans
By Frank Luntz April 24, 2001 Overview The message to policymakers from this poll is clear. Gay and lesbian Americans