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Ways to Protect Pass-Through Businesses After Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Expiration Is Focus of New Policy and Taxation Group Podcast Airing Now


Tax Experts from Brownstein, including former Sen. Mark Pryor take a deep look at the Expiring TCJA, 199-A Provisions for Pass Through Entities


Pass-Through business structures, structures 80% of family businesses operate under, face unusual tax challenges with the expiring Tax Cut and Jobs and is the focus of a new podcast from the Policy and Taxation Group, featuring the bipartisan tax experts at Brownstein.

The podcast series, called “The Voice of Family Business on Capitol Hill,” features Policy and Taxation Group partner law firm, Brownstein, and its tax department experts and Shareholders Rosemary Becchi, Russell Sullivan, and former Democratic Senator from Arkansas, Mark Pryor.

The panel discussion, entitled “Protecting Pass-Thru Businesses: A Look at the Upcoming Debate Over 199-A,” dives into the changes to 199-A regulations and how this provision’s expiration could lead to material harm for family businesses and pass-through businesses across the country. The discussion also covers methods family businesses can utilize to protect 199-A rates.

Becchi is the former tax counsel to Senate Finance Committee, former Internal Revenue Service (IRS) attorney, and advocates before Congress and administration officials at the Treasury Department, the IRS, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Labor Department, and the Federal Reserve to affect policy and regulatory outcomes.

Sullivan is chairman of Brownstein’s National Tax Policy Group. He is a well-known veteran of Capitol Hill who served for nearly a decade as Senate Finance Committee staff director.

Pryor is a former two-term Democratic U.S. senator and Arkansas attorney general, with insights into sensitive state AG matters and congressional investigations.

The podcast series airs on Spotify and other podcast platforms and typically features host by Pat Soldano, President, Policy and Taxation Group, advocates for successful individuals and family offices.

“Research shows us that eighty-percent of family businesses use pass-through business structures, and this puts them at a tax disadvantage with corporations, who pay at a substantially lower tax rate,” said Soldano about the complex subject. “Our partners at Brownstein do an expert job of detailing what the harmful ramifications are as we face new tax legislation and the expiration of the Tax Cuts and Job Act at the end of 2025,” she said. “This episode offers some valuable insights and solutions to these challenges”

Soldano is also President of Family Enterprise USA, a sister organization advocating for generationally-owned family businesses.

Subscribers will receive alerts as future shows are posted. To find it on Spotify click on: Policy and Taxation Group Podcast.

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The need for fact-based reporting of issues important to family owned businesses and protecting a lifetime of savings has never been greater. Now more than ever, successful families and family owned businesses are under fire. That's why Family Enterprise USA is passionately working to increase the awareness of issues important to family owned businesses built on hard work, while continuing to strengthen our presence on Capitol Hill. The issues we fight for or against with Congress in Washington DC include high income tax rates, possible elimination of valuation discounts, increase in capital gains tax, enactment of a wealth tax, and the continued burden of the gift tax, estate tax and generation skipping tax.

Family Enterprise USA promotes generationally owned family business creation, growth, viability, and sustainability by advocating for family businesses and their lifetime of savings with Congress in Washington DC.  Since 2007, Family Enterprise USA has represented and celebrated all sizes, professions and industries of family-owned enterprises and multi-generational employers. It is a bi-partisan 501.c3 organization. Family foundations can donate.

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